december, 2023

Event Details
Dear Colleagues! We are pleased to invite you to this year’s C3 Meeting. The Meeting is organized in cooperation with the Medical University of Graz and the Medical University of Vienna
Event Details
Dear Colleagues!
We are pleased to invite you to this year’s C3 Meeting. The Meeting is organized in cooperation with the Medical University of Graz and the Medical University of Vienna and switch its location between Vienna and Graz biannually. This year the C3 Meeting will take place in Graz.
Upon the exciting revival of this intriguing interdisciplinary professional activity focusing to
Consensus – Controversies – Compromise – C3
In Vienna four years ago, a profound need for such a comprehensive meeting format became apparent, where Live procedures and Hands-on workshops meet high-level lectures given by legends in the field. This format ignites numerous exciting discussions every year and it is our pleasure to invite you to join us for the C3 Meeting 2023 from 10 – 12 December 2023 in Graz.
Interventional cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and many other specialists travel from Europe and the entire world to share their expertise on consensus – controversies – compromise and to debate on the management of cardiovascular pathologies.
Pro-Con Discussions, State-of-the-Art Lectures, and transmission of Live-Procedures from Vienna and Graz are the environment of this meeting to discuss patient-specific options by personalized decisions, challenge Guidelines and unveil real unmet medical needs.
Bring your expertise and discuss burning questions about new therapies and established treatment algorithms. Catheter-based therapies will be performed LIVE in the OR. Furthermore, novel, complex or minimally-invasive surgical procedures will be performed LIVE and transmitted to the appealing congress venue.
Join us at this year’s C3 Meeting!
Univ. Prof. Dr. Andreas Zirlik
Univ. Prof. Dr. Daniel Scherr
Department of Cardiology
Medical University Graz
Univ. Prof. Dr. Daniel Zimpfer
Department of Cardiac Surgery
Medical University Graz
Univ. Prof. Dr. Günther Laufer
Assoc.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Andreas
Department of Cardiac Surgery
Medical University Vienna
december 10 (Sunday) - 12 (Tuesday)